
Rumen Rachev

Ecology without Ecological Thought

Oikos-oikos. Where is my oecology? Seeing houses, but where is the garden, where is the –logy? Humans poses a milieu, but not ecology. What is the difference here?

The difference is in the approach of relationality, or rather the substance of relationality. A milieu is an interwoven web of engagements, which “…do not stay at a distance, but entangle with bodies” (Parrika, 2011, p. 37). This entangled bodies perform in the pastures of naturecultures and in the medianatures tubes of hyper-saturated relationscapes.
For example, air was not designed for human bodies, and it took some time before humans start to perform as facilitating apparatus of breathing in the air and releasing CO2. Since humans are not very efficient in releasing a proper amount of CO2, they had to employ machines to help them in this task. If one looks at the human race, they still look and feel as unrefined breathing apparatuses, trying to return the gift of breathing back to their creators a sea of CO2.The more people pollute, the closer they get to the divine stage of being accepted as proper breathing apparatuses. The one who pollutes the most , returns the best the gift of life in the form of death.

Marching forwards, the milieu is opening doors of perception towards contracting forces and establishing links with the multitude of agents participating and interacting with various mediums, but one which is seemingly ever more technological than ecological.

synonym: relations
antonym: environment
hypernym: digging
hyponym: dark ecology

Parrika, J. (2011). Media Ecologies and Imaginary Media: Transversal Expansions, Contractions, and Foldings. Fiberculture Journal, 17.

COST Action IS1307 New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on 'How Matter Comes to Matter'.

Here you will find background material, current activities, calls for papers, working group information, and project outputs.

With the changing of societies on local, national and international scales owing to economic, ecological, political and technological developments and crises, a reorganized academic landscape can be observed to be emerging. Scholarship strives to become increasingly interdisciplinary in order to grasp and examine the unfolding complexity of ongoing ecological, socio-cultural and politico-economic changes. Additionally, academics forge... Read more or find out Who's Who

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Information relating to activities undertaken, including conferences, training schools, short-term scientific missions, and annual meetings, are archived here.

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Working Groups

Working Groups focus on four key areas of research

Working Group One

Genealogies of New Materialisms; examines and intervenes in canonization processes by compiling a web-based bibliography, coordinating the OST 068/13 8 EN... Read more

Working Group Two

New Materialisms on the Crossroads of the Natural and Human Sciences; seeks to develop new materialisms at the boundaries of the human and natural sciences. The group focuses on how European new materialisms can rework the ‘Two Cultures' gap... Read more

Working Group Three

New Materialisms Embracing the Creative Arts; brings together European researchers, artists, museum professionals, and other activists with a keen interest in the material... Read more

Working Group Four

New Materialisms Tackling Economical and Identity – Political Crises and Organizational Experiments... Read more


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COST Action IS1307

New Materialism —
Networking European Scholarship on 'How matter comes to matter’

An intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology
European Union
COST is supported by the the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

Website by Second Cousins